Digging out of the hole

Oh EA.

Someone has already proven your game can be played offline just fine, yet now you insult the dummies who bought your village simulator AND MMO fans by calling your pile of junk an MMO?

Only EA (and maybe Activision).

Edit: I highly recommend going to the EA page and reading the comments. Playing “which comment is from someone at EA pretending to be a player” is pretty fun, if a little too easy.

About SynCaine

Former hardcore raider turned casual gamer.
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10 Responses to Digging out of the hole

  1. Well, people made the argument that FarmVille was an MMO too…

    The comments on the EA page are priceless.

  2. Not buying this was one of the best choices I have ever made.

    • coppertopper says:

      I regret not making that choice with Diablo 3

      • kalex716 says:

        Aye I bought in on D3 with respects to the I.P. and the fact that many friends were going at it day 1 and got burned. Never again will I do that sort of thing for 50 dollar or higher game again.

        In fact this is the single compelling argument FOR games that have free2play strategies or any kind of try before you buy hooks because games like SimCity and Diablo3 command millions in sales regardless of quality all because people are too easily duped.

        These games both would be fiscal flops deservedly if people could have tried them out first before putting up any cash! Instead, they set fucking records. Its bull shit.

  3. carson63000 says:

    I thought the pithiest response was the person who said “Well, in that case, in many ways your MMO sucks.”

  4. Aufero says:

    I’m not sure which possibility entertains me more – that the EA representatives involved know nothing about the game’s mechanics and have never played an MMO (quite possible) or that they thought flat-out lying would work out well.

    Either would indicate a startling level of incompetence, if it weren’t EA.

  5. Random Idiot says:

    I agree with @Evan Boucher, although I have bought the other four…

  6. kalex716 says:

    On topic, I won’t be so pragmatic to deny that you can draw a safe amount of correlations with features that allow you to coin SimCity as MMO. Everybody seems to be bothered by this but it isn’t important anymore.

    What is important is that the nomenclature (MMO) is no longer relevant at all in 2013, as most any game can now be affiliated with cornerstone ideas that made your game Massively, Multiplayer, Online games at the turn of the century when it was coined.

    People on this blog have long called for newer, more relevant ways to talk about the games we love and all this does is substantiate that fact that we need to start peeling off the bullshit all the more! As MMO enthusiasts, it would benefit discussion if we could all go focus on the more specific sectors of the games we covet in particular, and not get muddied with the wide variety of expectations that only trouble the development process in bad bad ways for everybody.

    We already made the mistake of letting wayyyyy too many people into the pool, are we really going to get upset cause we caught ONE of these new folks pee’d in it?

  7. Aerynne says:

    Oh dear:

    CEO Of Electronic Arts, World’s Third-Largest Gaming Company, Resigns

    Electronic Arts, the world’s third-largest video game company, announced Monday that CEO John Riccitiello would be stepping down.

    Although not mentioned by Riccitiello, the recent launch disaster of the new SimCity game brought a wave of negative attention to EA. The City simulation franchise, which has historically been an offline, single-player game, was launched instead as an always-online game. The game’s servers were overloaded at launch and many players were unable to play.

    Another often-cited failure is Star Wars: The Old Republic, a game that was meant to be a flagship, massively multiplayer online game that would compete with Activision/Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. The game cost an estimated $400 million in production and marketing, but last year it was forced to become free to play owing to a lack of subscribers.

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